libpkgconf `tuple` module ========================= The `tuple` module provides key-value mappings backed by a linked list. The key-value mapping is mainly used for variable substitution when parsing .pc files. There are two sets of mappings: a ``pkgconf_pkg_t`` specific mapping, and a `global` mapping. The `tuple` module provides convenience wrappers for managing the `global` mapping, which is attached to a given client object. .. c:function:: void pkgconf_tuple_add_global(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *key, const char *value) Defines a global variable, replacing the previous declaration if one was set. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to modify. :param char* key: The key for the mapping (variable name). :param char* value: The value for the mapped entry. :return: nothing .. c:function:: void pkgconf_tuple_find_global(const pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *key) Looks up a global variable. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to access. :param char* key: The key or variable name to look up. :return: the contents of the variable or ``NULL`` :rtype: char * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_tuple_free_global(pkgconf_client_t *client) Delete all global variables associated with a pkgconf client object. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to modify. :return: nothing .. c:function:: void pkgconf_tuple_define_global(pkgconf_client_t *client, const char *kv) Parse and define a global variable. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to modify. :param char* kv: The variable in the form of ``key=value``. :return: nothing .. c:function:: pkgconf_tuple_t *pkgconf_tuple_add(const pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_list_t *list, const char *key, const char *value, bool parse) Optionally parse and then define a variable. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to access. :param pkgconf_list_t* list: The variable list to add the new variable to. :param char* key: The name of the variable being added. :param char* value: The value of the variable being added. :param bool parse: Whether or not to parse the value for variable substitution. :return: a variable object :rtype: pkgconf_tuple_t * .. c:function:: char *pkgconf_tuple_find(const pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_list_t *list, const char *key) Look up a variable in a variable list. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to access. :param pkgconf_list_t* list: The variable list to search. :param char* key: The variable name to search for. :return: the value of the variable or ``NULL`` :rtype: char * .. c:function:: char *pkgconf_tuple_parse(const pkgconf_client_t *client, pkgconf_list_t *vars, const char *value, unsigned int flags) Parse an expression for variable substitution. :param pkgconf_client_t* client: The pkgconf client object to access. :param pkgconf_list_t* list: The variable list to search for variables (along side the global variable list). :param char* value: The ``key=value`` string to parse. :param uint flags: Any flags to consider while parsing. :return: the variable data with any variables substituted :rtype: char * .. c:function:: void pkgconf_tuple_free_entry(pkgconf_tuple_t *tuple, pkgconf_list_t *list) Deletes a variable object, removing it from any variable lists and releasing any memory associated with it. :param pkgconf_tuple_t* tuple: The variable object to release. :param pkgconf_list_t* list: The variable list the variable object is attached to. :return: nothing .. c:function:: void pkgconf_tuple_free(pkgconf_list_t *list) Deletes a variable list and any variables attached to it. :param pkgconf_list_t* list: The variable list to delete. :return: nothing